The red handfish, shown, is a close relative of the smooth handfish, which was common in Australian waters barely 200 years ago but is now extinct.
In 2015, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) formally announced the extinction of these little creatures. The rats, who are indigenous to Bramble Cay, a tiny island close to the northern edge of the Great Barrier Reef, are said to have vanished from sight.
The last sighting of the Yangtze River dolphin, also called "baiji," occurred in 2002. In an attempt to locate one, a team of researchers traveled 2,000 miles down the Yangtze River four years later, but they were unsuccessful.
Since the last male northern white rhinoceros died in March 2018, there are now just two females left in existence. Sudan, a 45-year-old man, died of an infection and old age while being watched.
Although the Spix Macaw is believed to be extinct in the wild, it is still alive and well in captivity, with just 60 to 80 individuals remaining. The bird is sometimes called the "Little Blue Macaw" because to the vivid blue feathers that define it.
The Thylacine, a carnivorous animal that was largely nocturnal, was also known as the Tasmanian wolf and Tasmanian tiger. It was a rodent and kangaroo predator.
According to estimates, there were millions, if not billions, of passenger pigeons in America when the first European settlers arrived. According to MentalFloss, in the late 1800s.