Promote stability and strength with this yoga pose while fostering inner calmness. Open your hips externally as you settle into the posture.
Warrior II
Shift your weight onto the left foot and stabilize your left hip. Turn your right hip outward. Choose a variation for your right foot. Use support if needed.
Tree Pose
Enhance strength, flexibility, and focus with this seated or lying yoga pose. Bring the soles of your feet together, adjusting for flexibility, and find stability.
Cobbler's Pose
Counteract forward spinal flexion with this extension pose. Lie on your stomach, lift your heart, and engage your abdomen. Hold for several breaths.
Cobra Pose
Strengthen hips, glutes, abs, and thighs while opening chest and shoulders. Use a block for support if necessary and prepare for deeper backbends.
Bridge Pose
Finish your practice with the dead bug pose. Lie on your back, lift legs and arms, and alternate extending opposite limbs. Repeat three times on each side.
Spinal Twist
Wrap up with dead bug. Lie on back, lift legs and bend knees. Extend opposite arm and leg simultaneously.
Dead Bug